Tuesday, September 18, 2007

Secret Pal 11

I must have the best secret pal ever. Boy does she ever know me. She sent me a beautiful neck warmer to keep me nice and toasty when I am outside with my students. A ball of yarn and pattern to make a pair of "Fetchings" to keep my hands warm. Some yummy chocolate for me, a lolly for the girl and Burt's Baby Bee's for the baby. She snuck some tea in, body gel, a tissue holder for my pocket, some pretty stitch marker and more. It was like Christmas. I will get a photo up shortly.


Super Secret Knitting Pal said...

An itty-bitty package has been given to the postmaster to send your way...smaller than a bread box, actually, smaller than a pound of butter. :)

Fall is almost here...enjoy the weather.

Susan said...

Ooh...you will have to post pictures - and SOON!