Monday, December 10, 2007

So sorry...

I am so sorry that I haven't been around for a couple of weeks. Life is just so darn busy with the two kids. They really do keep me busy. We went down to CT for a whirlwind trip for Thanksgiving for Rach and her now fiance to meet his family. They are very nice. The are planning to get married at the end of this May and all hell has broken loose. For some reason I am involved in all the fights. I keep pointing out that this is not my wedding and well quite frankly the only person who gets a vote is Rach and Andy. No one seems to hear this and they are all making me crazy. Now, I planned my wedding and had fun. Leave me out of it.

I am busy writing cards for the soldiers and making blankets for them. Ok making one blanket at this point but I am trying.

1 comment:

Susan said...

Tell them to screw and get a wedding planner. Seriously. No need for you to be in the middle of it.