Wednesday, January 30, 2008

All tied up in a knot...

I am here to actually ask a question about sock yarn. I am a long time sock knitter and just purchase some beautiful Madeline Tosh sock yarn. As I was making it in a ball I found a knot in it. Now I have over 20 skeins of sock yarn at this moment in my house, nary a knot. All of them hand dyed yarn. I wrote the owner who told me that this was standard practice and to basically cut the knot out and to knit it together... Really... no kidding I have been a knitted for over 25 years. I know how to handle a knot in my yarn. My issue is that when I am spending over $20 on a skien of yarn I expect it to be perfect, especially considering that it is hand dyed and I am assuming hand wound. Am I being unfair to this company by complaining?
Here is her letter...

I must say that one knot in a skein or ball of yarn is pretty standard in the industry. I am quite sorry that the yarn displeases you, we do strive for quality in our yarns. When the commercial yarns that we use to dye have more than one knot in a single skein it is not sent to our retailers. We believe this is a fair policy and a honest compromise between the wool mill's desire to created yarns with great yardage and the hand knitter who wants as few joins as possible in the garment they are creating.

In reference to your knitting, what I often do, is cut the yarn right before the existing knot and then join the yarn back in without the knot, the same as you would when joining a new skein of yarn.

Thank you for your input we hope to always be open, honest and fair with our Madtosh customers and feel our policies reflect that.

Amy Hendrix
Owner of Madelinetosh Co.

1 comment:

Susan said...

I'd want a brand new ball of yarn for free.