Saturday, August 4, 2007

A Bird in the house...

My darling little girl came wandering into the bedroom the other morning very calmly announcing that there is a bird in her playroom. Ken's and my first thought was oh no... the wasps have gotten into the house. We told her that it is the bees.. She wandered out of our room and came back announcing that it is a grey bird. At this point I am annoyed, "Robyn there is no bird in the house!" I telll her. At this point she says "I know what a bird is and it is a grey bird!!!" So Ken gets up and goes to the playroom and comes back telling me "You have to see this and can you get it out of the house?" So off I go to get the bird out of the house. I chased it downstairs out of the front door it flew. What a great way to start out the day.

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