Friday, August 31, 2007

Busy... Busy..

Sorry that I have neglected my blog readers lately. Life has been busy. We are getting ready to go back to school next week, which means back to work for me. I was in an afterschool program from 3 to 6 4 days a week. I love it and Robyn loves that fact that she gets to play with her friends. i am nervous because this mean s that Max goes to daycare, he is in the same building as me so that isn't too bad, but I will miss the little guy. Robyn can't wait to go back to play with her friends.
On the knitting front I have been busy finishing the pair of monkey socks and they should be going into the mail shortly. I am also working a scarf for a raffle basket for a friend who has a very sick puppy. He needs a shunt or else...

1 comment:

Valerie said...

are those MY monkey socks you are referring to???? :D