Wednesday, July 25, 2007

The afghan that never ends...

Sometime you think that you have come to the end of a project to realize that your were completely wrong. I counted several times to see how many more squares I need for the afghan. Ok I need 11 more. Some how my brain thought I have 8 made so I only need 3 more to finish. Yea!!!! I knitted my 3 squares went to put it together only to realize that I need to make 8 more squares. It will not be finished in time and is going to have to leave hear unfinished. That said I feel as though I have been able to with this project quite a bit and am happy with my results. I will show you guys how it looks when I take a photo.


Valerie said...

Can't wait to see the pix.

Susan said...

I do stuff like that all the time. I'm ashamed to admit it. LOL.