Thursday, July 12, 2007

It's a small world....

Did your mother ever tell you "You should always be on your best behavior, because you never know who knows who." Yet again that saying came back to haunt me. Last week Robyn had a run in at the playground. Now I am not sure who started it but I do know who ended it. Robyn bit the boy on the back. The mother came up to me quite calmly and explained to me that my daughter bit her son. I was horrified to say the least, my daughter has never bitten another child. I told the mother I was extremely sorry and Robyn was sent to sit with me at the table. When asked what happened she told me "He made me so mad I lost all my power." I am guessing she was so mad that she couldn't stop herself. She knew she was wrong and said she won't do it again.

Fast forward one week. My friend Glitter invited me to go a Velvet Elvis concert tonight. We were sitting with friends of the band, when these two twin boys came and sat with their father. Best friends of the people we were sitting with. I told Glitter I swear that is the little boy that Robyn bit. What are the chance's? I wasn't sure because mom wasn't there. So I asked Glitter's friend if she knew one of the boys was bit at the playground. She didn't so she asked the dad. Sure enough that is the boy that Robyn bit. Small world. They played very nicely today and all seemed well. But go figure.

While at the concert the sprinklers went off spraying everyone. My daughter being the spirited one decided that she would run around in the water and had a grand old time. I was the only parent who let their child do that. My thinking, she is having fun, she isn't hurting anyone and she will pass out when we get home. Needless to say she was dripping wet. I am guess if this would have been Woodstock she would have been the one to start the mud pits.

1 comment:

Valerie said...

LOL - that's awesome! I love her spunk! LOL